In recognition of over 20 years of dedication or outstanding achievement and to support our Club and to the goals and purposes of Toastmasters International. We hereby appoint the following members to the Will Rogers Toastmasters Club #645 Hall of Fame.
- Dwight Dauben, who joined the club in 1970.
- Sandy Bach, who has been a member for 25 years, returning recently to the club.
- Ralph Joslin
The Hall of Fame honors those members who serve as outstanding role models and mentors. We extend our thanks and appreciation for their continued guidance and assistance.
The Will Rogers Club regrets the passing of Ralph Joslin in 2015. Ralph had been a member of the Will Rogers Club since 1973. He was a dedicated Toastmaster and rose through the ranks of the organization to the International Board of Directors. He was also an outstanding speaker having participated in many speech contests and winning the District 16 contest. Most importantly, he was a mentor to many of us and a close friend. We miss him but his memories remain with us.