Presiding Officer – Calls meeting to order
    Pledge of Allegiance

    Opening comments
    Introduce helpers
        Grammarian – Keeps track of grammar usage during the meeting
        Jokemaster – Tells “funny” joke
        Timekeeper – Keeps track of time allowed for speakers and evaluators

Topic Master – Conducts table topics session to help member to practice ad hoc speaking
    Timekeepers report on table topic speakers
    Vote for best table topic speaker

Toastmaster – Calls 10 minute break

Toastmaster – Calls meeting to order & Introduces speakers
    Speaker 1
    Speaker 2
    Speaker 3

General Evaluator
    Timekeepers report on speakers
    Vote for best speaker
    Speaker evaluations
    Grammarian’s report
    Timekeepers report on evaluators
    Vote for best evaluator
    Nominate and vote for Toastmaster of the evening
        (This is the person that contributed most to the meeting)
    Nominate, vote, and present Bull Award
        (This is a lighthearted selection of the person who made the biggest blunder)
    General comments by the General Evaluator
    Present Awards
        Best Table Topic Speaker
        Best Speaker
        Best Evaluator
        Toastmaster of the Evening

Toastmaster – Concluding remarks

Presiding Officer –
    Guest/Member Comments
    Review next week schedule
    Adjourn meeting